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한달에 10회 이상 CAD Pockets 어플 실행시
다음 한달동안 무료로 Premium 사용 가능
친구 초대시 Premium 버전을 한달간
사용 가능 합니다.
(최대 5개월)
Just directly using the following sharing approaches to (email, Facebook and Twitter) share information of CAD Pockets, and that’s it.
For every friend you successfully refer and register, you will receive one additional month of CAD Pockets Premium. You can at most gain 5 months by referring 5 friends. You friend will also gain one extra month for being invited.
Your friend must simply:
1. Click on the link you send via Facebook, Twitter or Email.
2. Register an account
3. Download CAD Pockets and log in account in CAD Pokcets